Quiet Mind Holistics


Reiki means Universal Life Energy, and is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui. Dr Usui developed this healing system from ancient teachings after many years of study, research and meditation. He spent the rest of his life practising and teaching Reiki. There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment, the only prerequisite is the desire to be healed.
Through this technique I will transfer healing energy through my palms placed in a variety of positions on the body. Reiki can help address issues on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic level. There are no negative side effects to Reiki. 

What will happen?
In a typical treatment I will ask you to lie down on a massage table and relax. I will then prepare myself and when ready and the intention is set I will place my hands in various positions; however, if this makes you feel uncomfortable I can use a non-touching technique, where the hands are held a few centimetres away from the body in all of the positions. The hands are usually kept in a position for a few minutes before moving to the next position. The whole treatment usually lasts about 45 mins with extra time after for discussion.
What will I feel?
This depends on the individual but you generally will feel a warmth or a tingling sensation in the area being treated. Some people see colours or patterns. You will enter a deep state of relaxation, equivalent to a good night's sleep. Reiki treatment stimulates the body's natural healing processes and complements western medicine. Often we internalise our problems and these can materialise as aches and pains, Reiki gives you a sense of well being and can help to unlock issues. Sometimes you may find that you want to talk or cry after a treatment, this is nothing to be worried about and is part of your healing. 
What next?
After a treatment you wil be given a large glass of water to drink. You may find you need to go to the toilet more often as your body works to get rid of the toxins released by the therapy. It is advised that you continue to drink regularly to stay hydrated and it's preferable that you don't drink alcohol until the next day. Depending on your condition you may be advised that regular treatments would be beneficial for you, weekly if you have a chronic complaint, or at longer intervals. I appreciate and understand that often going for treatments is often guided by your pocket especially in this time of financial hardship so rest assured I will not suggest the need for extra treatments if not necessary.